Friday, August 10, 2012

From the other side: Fall 2012&freshman newbies

What is this other side? You know, that invisible line you've just crossed if you’re dreading the end of freshman summer like I am yet also anticipating life as a sophomore. It is a nonexistent line that most of us subconsciously cross as we evolve from confused stumbling freshman to been-there-done-that-know-it-all sophomores.

Like many others, summer sneaked up on me fast. As it daunts me that in just a few days our campus will be welcoming 1,500 fresh new faces, the largest class by far, I can’t help but feel a surge of sadness. There is no more freshman forgiveness, no more being lost on campus—feeling justified, no more steak and champagne dinner for Hudson relays, and so much more that are lost as we shed the title freshman.

Food Ventures: Sushi Rock Tsunami Night!
As my summer comes to an end, I begin to recollect the memories that I'll be left with after this surreal experience. They won't all be happy and sweet— there are undoubtedly tears and angst mixed in the bundle. Nevertheless, they are the memories that I will never forget, the memories that I will continue to learn and grow from, and the memories that will provide me with a lifetime's worth of stories to tell.

My freshman experience was indeed unique and irreplaceable. I've had my fair share of wild moments. Though at times it felt like an emotional rollercoaster, happy and ridiculously sad, the mere experience of all those emotions is what nurtures me to become stronger and smarter. Dramatic? Yes indeed. Regrets? Not at all. In 10 years, when life is about as routine and dull as can be and there is only reminiscing left, I’d rather laugh off all the stupid crazy things I've been through than sit and wonder what they could have felt like.

Upcoming: JERSEYSHORE HOME BOUND "recoup"!
That’s not to say I haven’t had amazing fun times, oh believe me I have… 

So as I'm sitting at my last day of work this summer, not sneaking out early for the first time, my thoughts ponder back to that invisible line as I prepare myself to bid farewell to an extraordinary freshman year. 

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