Monday, September 17, 2012

AXOXO, A Sorority Girl After All

Life has been...busy, exhausting, exciting, but most importantly: GOOD :D

Though I feel like I never have enough time, I'm pretty sure that feeling will never change whether I have one thing going on or a million things going on, haha. I'm glad in a way that I don't have enough time to post more frequently. I like being busy, running around all the time, and seeing the liveliness around campus; it's very fulfilling!

One of my favorite quotes of all time goes: "If you want your life to be a magnificent story, then begin by realizing that you are the author and everyday you have the opportunity to write a new page." 
~Mark Houlahan~
My newest page: ALPHA CHI OMEGA
I am so happy and grateful to be a part of the Zeta Upsilon chapter of AXO at Case Western Reserve University. I have met an extraordinary, sweet, and down to earth group of girls who have welcomed me with the utmost sincerity and happiness. 
I look forward to getting to know everyone, you bet I'll be at the house to study, hang out, and of courseee to eat chef Ron's amazinggg dinners!

At AXO, I am not afraid to be myself, the quirky, strange, hyper, and spontaneous self that I am. 

Proud to be an Alpha Chi sister!

Together let us seek the heights,